Alliance Reroll Project 2010
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Fury/Arms Warrior Application.

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Fury/Arms Warrior Application. Empty Fury/Arms Warrior Application.

Post  Mertie Fri Feb 05, 2010 5:37 am

Tell us about Yourself

Real Life Name: Steve.
How Old are You?: Eighteen, coming up Nineteen.
Where are you from? Outskirts of Sheffield, England
Tell us some random information about you: Keen gamer, enjoy reading things that have no general purpose to ordrinary life, and enjoy old films/music.
Currently unemployed, but hopefully that will change so i can start saving more money up.

What Character and Race are you going to Roll

Character Name: Mertie (In honour of his US counterpart who died outside Tyr's Hand at level 55. God bless his soul ); )
Class: Warrior
Race: Pink Haired, Male Gnome (Sudden twist! Oh the drama!)
Possible Profession's: Unsure. I've skimmed over everybody elses, and they all seem to have everything covered.
So for now, i'll leave this as; "Fishing Cook Doctor, but open to suggestions".
Expected Talent Spec at Level 80: Fury as main, Arms as offspec, with the excess of Protection Warriors me offspeccing Protection would be a waste, so i can always spec into Arms for the debuffs it can bring.

Experience within World of Warcraft

How long have you been playing? Rough estimate would be over four years.
What Classes have you played at level 60(classic), 70(TBC) or 80(WOTLK)? I've played a Hunter and Rogue to level 70 during TBC, the Rogue going to 80 in Wrath, as well as a Paladin and Shaman to 80.
What is your favourite Class and Race? Blood Elf Rogue. People may not like them, but their Stealth animation is awesome, besides, you got a good laugh in 2.2 when their stealth made them walk like crabs.
What is your favourite Zone in game? Nagrand. Large, and the quests are a tad dull, but the atmosphere is great.


Would you be willing to stay on extra time, when the raid time has ended if we are about to down a boss? I am, however, there may be times i might not be. It's all determined on motivation. If it's been a long, terrible day and i haven't tuned up during the course of the raid, i'll just want to go to bed and get the day through, but, of course, if that's not the case i will be.
Do you have a set time limit to play Warcraft in the evening? Not really, but anything passed 11pm gametime could be pushing it with the guy in control of my access, but more often than not i'm able to survive up to an hour afterwards.
How many days a week would you be willing to raid on? Three-Four? I'd say Three definite, it's just all down to how my life is.

When did you first start Raiding? With a proper raiding guild was sometime in TBC, i can't recall when exactly, on my Hunter.
After i left WoW for school, i only began Raiding again in December of 2008 during Wrath, but left prior to Ulduar.
How far did you progress in Vanilla Warcraft (pre burning crusade, if applicable)? Not applicable.
How far did you progress in The Burning Cruse (Pre Wrath of the Lich King, if applicable)? Karazhan (Hunter, Rogue), Magtheridon, Gruul's Lair, Serpentshrine Cavern (Hunter).
How far have you progressed, thus far in Wrath of the Lich King?
10 man: Naxxramas, Sarth+1D (Pre-Ulduar), Onyxia, Trial of the Crusader, VoA (All). [Rogue]
25 man: Naxx, Sarth+2D, Malygos (Pre-Ulduar), Onyxia, VoA (All). [Rogue]
I'm prepared to enter Icecrown Citadel comfortably, but i have to rely on PuGs if i do enter.

And to end things off.

Why do you want to join this Reroll project? Because i've grown tired of sitting around in Dalaran trying to organise or join a PuG raid, or throwing a line in scarce conversation in a "Social guild". I want to start afresh in a friendly community, on a new server where like-minded people want to work to see some of the content Blizzard has provided. As well, it gives me a chance to roll a class i have some experience, but haven't seen endgame with in the opposite faction. Levelling on Horde content has grown stale with the amount of times i've done it, so i'd like to experience the Alliance side of things.
Why do you think we should recruit you? Well, what can i say? If you want someone willing to co-operate, work and talk to about mechanics, tactics, or just in general i'm the guy, i can't really "advertise" myself other than "I'm here, i want to reroll. I want to raid and progress with you, and i want to make friends with you in the process".
Do you know anybody in the reroll project? Nope, they're all strange faces, for the meanwhile alteast.
Is there anything else you wish to add? Not really, though you might have to remind me at some point, if i'm accepted. "You're not a rogue anymore, you can't pop evasion when a mob whirlwinds".


Posts : 7
Join date : 2010-02-05

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Fury/Arms Warrior Application. Empty Re: Fury/Arms Warrior Application.

Post  Admin Fri Feb 05, 2010 5:41 am

thank for you for the application we do have alot of prot warriors idd.

Your welcome to join us as a dps warrior Smile


Posts : 91
Join date : 2010-02-03

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