Alliance Reroll Project 2010
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Fury Warrior

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Fury Warrior Empty Fury Warrior

Post  Atharin Fri Feb 05, 2010 1:51 pm

Tell us about Yourself

Real Life Name: Mikołaj
How Old are You?: 17
Where are you from? from Poland
Tell us some random information about you:
So, I live in a small city called Jaworze, which is placed in southern Poland. At the moment I'm in high school, preparing to study IT - hopefuly somewhere in England. I'm just a normal guy who likes games, science and other geeky stuff Smile

What Character and Race are you going to Roll

Character Name: Not sure yet, but prolly Atharin if it's not taken yet.
Class: Warrior
Race: Night Elf
Possible Profession's: Mining/JC, at 80 I am gonna drop mining and power level Enchanting.
Expected Talent Spec at Level 80:
Most likely Fury/Arms.

Experience within World of Warcraft

How long have you been playing? Over 3 years. First on private servers, then I started to play on retail just about time when BT was released.
What Classes have you played at level 60(classic), 70(TBC) or 80(WOTLK)? In TBC first I played a hunter (which is now resting in Grizzly Hills inn at lvl 74 Razz), then I made a druid and I played it through rest of TBC and Wotlk untill Ulduar. Then I quit for few weeks, rolled an elemental shaman (80 now) which is currently my main, then holy pala for pvp (80atm). I also have a warrior alt (72), mage and few other classes stuck in Outland.
What is your favourite Class and Race? My favourite class is shaman and I think I like trolls the most.
What is your favourite Zone in game? Favourite zone, hmm, I don't think I have a favourite one, but I like Icecrown and Sholazar Smile

Would you be willing to stay on extra time, when the raid time has ended if we are about to down a boss? It all depends. If I'd have to stay to let's say 2am, knowing that I have to wake up at 5 I'd prolly pass Smile. But other situations, why not?
Do you have a set time limit to play Warcraft in the evening? I don't have any time when I always shut down computer, but I prefer do have at least 6 hour sleep. Very Happy
How many days a week would you be willing to raid on? Something like 2 and I'd love them to be friday and saturday.

When did you first start Raiding?
How far did you progress in Vanilla Warcraft (pre burning crusade, if applicable)? None.
How far did you progress in The Burning Cruse (Pre Wrath of the Lich King, if applicable)? I cleared Kara (wooo, I am soo cool!)
How far have you progressed, thus far in Wrath of the Lich King? I've been raiding A LOT in 3.1, achieved prolly everything in naxx (which is not a big accomplishment, but whatever), done most of ulduar (my guild disbanded when we were at mimiron *cry*) and pugged ToC like 10000 times. Didn't have a pleasure of seeing ICC yet, but I hope it'll change soon Smile

And to end things off.

Why do you want to join this Reroll project? If there is one thing I love about WoW, it must be socializing. There is nothing better than playing with friendly people, hanging out in bgs together and killing Lich Kings with cool crew Smile
Why do you think we should recruit you? Because I'm cute. On a serious note, I don't know why should you recruit me. But If you want a friendly warrior then give me a try Smile
Do you know anybody in the reroll project? Nope

Edit: Silly me, I forgot we're rolling Alliance and I said I am gonna be an undead Smile


Posts : 1
Join date : 2010-02-05

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Fury Warrior Empty Re: Fury Warrior

Post  Admin Fri Feb 05, 2010 2:10 pm

welcome to the project


Posts : 91
Join date : 2010-02-03

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